Hello and happy summer (or winter) wherever you are in the world! I'd like to take this opportunity to officially introduce you to my newest endeavor, Wool Hat Creative, or WHC.
As part of the launch, here’s a 4-minute example of my latest work - a promotional Kickstarter video:
If you can, please click here to support Flux Studio through their Kickstarter in exchange for glass, swag, and cool stuff. Only a few days left to hit their goal in the “all or nothing” campaign and they're so close! (To view the video on Vimeo, click here.)
As you may know, I left Snowriders International about two years ago to pursue my creative passions and founded Wool Hat Creative. That began an amazing, challenging journey of expanding and growing my film, photography, and writing skills through many hours of trainings, workshops, and hard work. Now, I’m proud to present a fully functional storytelling business with a mission:
“Wool Hat Creative is a company dedicated to wild expression and beautiful stories through film, writing, photography, and art with the added mission of protecting where we play outdoors and making the world a better place.” Learn more by clicking here.
Also, please help spread the word by following and sharing us on social media so you don't miss a thing (links below).
Lastly, we have room for new clients, so if you or anyone you know is working on a story, let's talk about hiring WHC!
Phil Hüffeldt
Founder, Wool Hat Creative